Korean War Naval Uniform Commission
This commission represents several uniforms from a father of our client. This man served in the US Navy during the Korean War, and his uniform is one of the most unique uniforms I have yet to work with. The images of dragons and the eagles are beautiful silk panels that are expertly embroidered by the native women of the area. These panels were obtained when the men went into town. The jacket was turned inside out and these artistic ornaments were applied to the cuffs and back of the jacket – so that the wearer could be “dressed up” when they went into town, and then they could turn the jacket right-side out, when they needed to officially return to their base.
When working with military uniforms, or other uniforms, I strive to preserve as much of the ornamentation, insignia, bars, and available pockets, if applicable, and apply them to the pieces that have been selected by my clients. This is such a wonderful way for these families to find a good use for uniforms that would only languish in a closet, attic or cedar chest, unappreciated and unremembered. Family members can remember their relative, who served our country so bravely, every time they use the piece.